Monday 13 March 2017

Rocky Shore

Today we had a magnificent trip to the Rocky Shore at Spriggs Park in Napier. The rain stayed away and the water was warm; we couldn't have asked for better weather for our adventure. 

We were joined by the National Aquarium team, who talked to us about safety, and following our seashore care code when looking for sea creatures in the water and under rocks. We were then set loose (with boundaries) to discover. 

It was an amazing time to witness Ruma Waru children in a new environment and to see some beat their fear of the unknown and touching small creatures. 

Your children will be able tell you a story about what they were doing in our photos below. Enjoy!

Thank you to our amazing parent helpers. Without you this trip couldn't have happened. 

Friday 3 March 2017

Week 5 : Introducing Gravity

This week has been incredibly busy and the children in Ruma Waru have shown the meaning of persistence to make it through to the end of the week with energy left to spare. 

On Wednesday we had the Junior Aquathlon. This was a run, swim, run race and an opportunity to show of the skills the children have developed in the pool. 

Congratulations to our winners, and also to all the children to persisted throughout the afternoon to try their best. (More photos to come) Heidi had her first encounter with gravity for the week during the race and I was incredibly impressed with the children who stopped to check she was okay. 

Today's discovery learning focus was on Gravity and the structures the children could build to move a marble from a table to a target on the floor. Our KC focus was Relating to Others and the children showed great teamwork while building their ramps. They soon learned how to angle their ramp to make the most of getting speed and that applying sellotape and obstacles would create friction and barriers that the marble would struggle to move through. 

All teams had different forms of success. Well done for all your hard thinking, problem solving and teamwork! 

To escape the chaos in Ruma Waru for a quiet moment children were also making flax fish with Mrs Foley on the deck. They were very special creations.

To finish our week off our Room 6 buddies came to visit. We spent some time learning secret handshakes and playing "getting to know you" board games.